01872 561761
At the present time people in need of homecare services with savings of around £23,000 or more will probably have to pay for their own care.Live Life Care are more than happy to arrange a home visit to discuss the costs of our service. For information, an hour of care can cost between £23.98 to £30 (other durations are available). Whilst this cost may seem high, we use the UKHCA costing model which shows how the cost of homecare is calculated. Live Life Care pays its staff the Living Foundation Wage which is much higher than the National Minimum Wage.
For people with little savings you will need to contact Cornwall Council and request an assessment of your care needs. Cornwall Council will also undertake a financial assessment.
The following links will explain this in more detail.
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/money-work-and-benefits/paying-for-your-own-care-self-funding/ https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/adult-social-care/
Care and Support Services in Cornwall
A useful directory of local services
Kernow Carers Service
For Kernow Carers Service, please click here
www.ageconcernorg.uk The UK's largest charity working with and for older people.
www.parkinsons.org.uk The Parkinson’s Disease Society is the leading charity dedicated to supporting all people with Parkinson’s, their families, friends and carers.
www.stroke.org.uk The Stroke Association is the only UK wide charity solely concerned with combating stroke in people of all ages.
www.diabetes.org.uk A charity for people with diabetes.
www.arthritiscare.org.uk A charity with groups across the UK where people can find support and encouragement.
www.headway.org.uk the charity that supports people with brain injury an those who care for them.
www.mind.org.uk Working to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress.
www.together-uk.org Working to support people with mental health needs to get what they want from life.
www.scope.org.uk For disabled people achieving equality.
www.carersuk.org Carers UK is the voice of carers and a good reference site.
www.rethink.org Working together to help everyone affected by severe mental illness recover a better quality of life.
Memory cafes are informal meeting places where people living with a dementia and their carers can attend for help and support. These cafes are available throughout Cornwall.For information on memory cafes please click here.
Useful Resources For People Living With Dementia
Link to a very informative site for lots of products and information on all the latest technology to support people with dementia,for eg mobile trackers, alarms etc. Please click here
The Alzheimers Society have a wealth of information on their website. They also have an online support forum called Talking Point which is a valuble resource for carers looking after people with dementia.Please click here to visit the Alzheimers Societys website
Caring for someone living with dementia can sometimes be a legal minefield. For people living with a dementia it is important to be aware of the legal rights you have, the following website can give you alot of answers. Please click here for the Office of the Public Guardian
People with a dementia can now access a specialist advocacy service.The South of England Advocacy Project can help with various issues including Human Rights,housing issues and healthcare issues. For further information please click here
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